5 Cleaning Tips And Tricks You Need To Try

Publish Date

October 3, 2022

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Cleaning tips and tricks

AVS Carpet Cleaning brings you today some simple cleaning tips and tricks for the most important areas of your house. Whether it’s a cleaning tip for your microwave or a quick fix for your shower, these cleaning hacks are the answer to your problems. But before we start with the cleaning tips and tricks, always be careful when cleaning and disinfecting with bleach.

  • Wear protective clothing,
  • do not mix bleach with other products,
  • and use it only in well-ventilated areas.

So, here we go!

1. Cleaning tip for a greasy microwave

This great kitchen cleaning trick can make things easier from all the greasy microwave interiors. This is what you can try. Use a medium-sized microwave-friendly bowl filled with 50 percent water and 50 percent distilled white vinegar in the microwave and turn it on for three minutes. When the microwave is ready, carefully remove the bowl with oven mitts. Then simply wipe the inside with a kitchen cloth.

2. Cleaning trick for the shower

You are going to love this simple cleaning trick for the shower curtain when you try it. Use only fresh water and thick bleach. Let it soak in a tub of this mixture for an hour and you have a mildew-free shower curtain.

3. Cleaning tips to clean your mattress

Do you miss that clean bed feeling? Washing your bed comforter can only do so much. Place your comforter in the washing machine, along with soap or detergent, and run it through a delicate cycle in cold or warm water.

Now, another trick to clean your mattress is to sprinkle it with baking soda and let it sit for a couple of hours. Then vacuum up the baking soda and you have a fresh bed once again. Simply, right?

Cleaning tips and tricks

Cleaning your mattress

4. Kitchen cutting boards cleaning tip

To make sure your cutting boards are perfectly hygienic and avoid cross-contamination, this five-minute kitchen cleaning trick requires minimal effort and will help keep your kitchen germ-free.

Clean cutting boards with bleach to disinfect them in no time. Always read and follow the safety instructions on the label. Be sure to rinse cutting boards thoroughly after trying this cleaning trick.

5. How to clean tea towels and sponges

For a cleaner and tidier kitchen without too much effort, continue using these cleaning tips and tricks. You will realize how your kitchen area gets on top again with this two simple tips:

  • Sterilize tea towels and sponges. Put them in the microwave for 3 minutes-the high temperature should kill bacteria. But be careful, soon after your dunnage and sponges will be hot.
  • Keep your dunnage in the arms of an office clip so it can air dry and stay away from standing water.

What other cleaning tips and tricks do you use in your day-to-day cleaning routine? If you want to have the best Residential Cleaning Service, don’t forget to call AVS Carpet Cleaning, your Local Carpet Cleaning Experts in San Diego, CA.

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